IHE Catalyst adds VALUE to the IHE Ecosystem
IHE-Catalyst is a non-profit company that acts as an enabler for standards based health information exchange (IHE), digital health efficiency and interoperability healthcare process innovation, supporting the global healthcare community in accelerating the adoption of standards to improve interoperability and provide implementable IHE architectures worldwide.
Acting as a catalyst, as in a chemical formula, IHE-Catalyst enables interoperability processes by harmonising and maintaining the balance between stakeholders, creating HIE ecosystems, organising test events and thus driving the evolution of interoperability specifications in compliance with IHE principles and methodologies.
IHE Catalyst supports the IHE technical committee in developing integration profiles aimed at solving real life information exchange needs. It plays an operational role by supporting, facilitating and managing the IHE test system with test tools, test governance and test events. It also supports National Initiatives and governments in their strategic tasks by enabling and implementing the evolution of IHE test tools, i.e. Gazelle into a third generation of test tools.
Perspective and Aim
Improve patient care, promote data accessibility, and optimize operational efficiency within the healthcare landscape
Our priority is to actively drive the advancement of interoperability specifications by supporting the core principles and methodologies of Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) initiatives.
Encourage the global healthcare community to accelerate the adoption and implementation of standards
We strive to harmonize stakeholders, drive the evolution of interoperability, solve market problems through integration profiles, and facilitate the development of test tools. We serve as a coordination and operational point to enable these efforts.